3705 Albemarle St. NW, Washington, DC 20016-1805 questions@iacausa.org

Liturgical Ministry



Lectors proclaim the Word of the Lord during mass (when there is no Deacon present). A lector must have sufficient public speaking skills, to read the first and/or second readings, as well as the general intercessions. Please read the USCCB description.


Altar Servers offer service to God and the community by assisting the priest during mass. This role is open to all youth of the parish who have made their First Communion and whose parents believe they are ready and responsible enough to be trained.  Young men and women assist the Priest and Deacon at the Altar. Please read the USCCB description.


Ushers assist at each mass and other special occasions as needed. The ushering staff is made up of adult men and women who are capable of directing crowd flow and movement, take up the collection, and assist those with special needs. Ushers may double as Greeters. The adult men and women Greeters are the first ministers one meets when they arrive at the church for any celebration. Their warm, friendly smile and welcoming handshake set the tone for the worship experience.


Rosary Leaders will recite all the prayers and the congregation will follow you. If you have not lead a rosary before, please see the USCCB website for instructions and prayers. Rosary Leaders should be ages 10 or above, and should speak clearly into the microphone. Please don’t chew gum and remember to make good eye-contact with everyone.